
If you’re here, chances are you found some of my code. If so, I’d like to welcome you, and I invite you to share any comments or suggestions by contacting me or leaving a comment below.

2 thoughts on “Code”

  1. dear mark

    any idea?, i always received this failure notification, remove and re-authorized without luck, i also changed these few lines of scripts
    var TIMEZONE = “Asia/Hong_Kong”; // Your timezone
    var REAPPEAR_LABEL = “/Action”; // Full label path to apply when a message reappears in the inbox (leave blank “” to not set a label)
    var LABEL_BASE = “/Action/ZzZ”; // The label to create all snooze labels under (it’s suggested that you don’t change this)

    thanks a lot!

    Your script, GMail Snooze, has recently failed to finish successfully. A summary of the failure(s) is shown below. To configure the triggers for this script, or change your setting for receiving future failure notifications, click here.
    The script is used by the document GMail Snooze.

    Start Function Error Message Trigger End
    7/2/13 8:06 AM moveHourlySnoozes We’re sorry, a server error occurred. Please wait a bit and try again. (line 187, file “Code”) time-based 7/2/13 8:09 AM

    1. use debug mode, moveDailySnoozes show following errors

      TypeError: Cannot call method “addToThreads” of null. (line 194, file “Code”)

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