All posts by Mark Jacobsen

Ray Dalio: Principles for Investing in a Meaningful Life (Tested Strategies from 1 of The World’s Wealthiest Investors)

Not sure why it isn’t listed on his website, but if you subscribe to his podcast you probably would have caught this.

Pain + Reflection = Progress

5 step process:
Identify Goals
Identify problems
Diagnose root cause
Design way around
Push through and execute design

Ep. 290 – Ray Dalio: Principles for Investing in a Meaningful Life (Tested Strategies from 1 of The World’s Wealthiest Investors)

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Disclaimer: Thoughts and opinions are my own, and do not reflect the views of any employer, family member, friend, or anyone else. Some links may be affiliate links, but I don't link to anything I don't use myself.

Scary Chip Flaws Raise Spectre of Meltdown — Krebs on Security

Please be sure to update/patch every device you have. On most Windows machines, you should be able to do a manual reboot (Start -> Power -> Restart) and have the updates applied. On iOS you want to go to Settings -> General -> Software Update

Scary Chip Flaws Raise Spectre of Meltdown — Krebs on Security

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Disclaimer: Thoughts and opinions are my own, and do not reflect the views of any employer, family member, friend, or anyone else. Some links may be affiliate links, but I don't link to anything I don't use myself.

Facebook Makes You Sad, So Try Using It Less

A Facebook slam… on Facebook! Expect another FB post coming up soon. In the mean time, the best way to reach me is in person, via my blog, or the messaging platform of your choice.

“Scrolling through your news feed is distracting and depressing”

Facebook Makes You Sad, So Try Using It Less

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Disclaimer: Thoughts and opinions are my own, and do not reflect the views of any employer, family member, friend, or anyone else. Some links may be affiliate links, but I don't link to anything I don't use myself.

Floyd Landis: The Consequence of Exposing a Legend

Interesting story. Discussion about the need to use performance enhancing drugs to reach the highest levels is thought provoking.

Ep. 278 – Floyd Landis: The Consequence of Exposing a Legend: Learning How to Take Your Life Back & Overcome Rejection – Altucher Confidential

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Disclaimer: Thoughts and opinions are my own, and do not reflect the views of any employer, family member, friend, or anyone else. Some links may be affiliate links, but I don't link to anything I don't use myself.

The Hard Thing About Hard Things

Just finished “The Hard Thing About Hard Things” by Ben Horowitz who is probably best known as the Horowitz in “Andreessen Horowitz” – as in Marc Andreessen of Netscape fame. It was a quick read. Mostly targeted at CEOs, especially CEOs of tech startups, but still had some useful ideas and concepts for those of us not in that camp. I’ve pulled out a few of my favorites below.

  • If you’re going to eat $hit, don’t nibble
  • The customer only knows what she thinks she wants based on her experience with the current product. The innovator can take into account everything that’s possible
  • In any human interaction, the required amount of communication is inversely proportional to the level of trust.
  • Build a culture that rewards – not punishes – people for getting problems into the open where they can be solved.
  • When you expect your employees to act like adults, they generally do. If you treat them like children, then get ready for your company to turn into one big Barney episode.
  • Being too busy to train is the moral equivalent of being too hungry to eat.
  • Management purely by numbers is sort of like painting by numbers—it’s strictly for amateurs.
  • The Law of Crappy People states: For any title level in a large organization, the talent on that level will eventually converge to the crappiest person with the title.
  • Once an employee takes a public stance, the social pressure for him to be consistent is enormous.
  • Shock is a great mechanism for behavioral change.
  • Move fast and break things.
  • Perks are good, but they are not culture.
  • You want to optimize the organization for the people—for the people doing the work—not for the managers.
  • In life, everybody faces choices between doing what’s popular, easy, and wrong versus doing what’s lonely, difficult, and right.
  • How easy is it for any given individual contributor to get her job done?” In well-run organizations, people can focus on their work (as opposed to politics and bureaucratic procedures) and have confidence that if they get their work done, good things will happen both for the company and for them personally. By contrast, in a poorly run organization, people spend much of their time fighting organizational boundaries and broken processes.
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Disclaimer: Thoughts and opinions are my own, and do not reflect the views of any employer, family member, friend, or anyone else. Some links may be affiliate links, but I don't link to anything I don't use myself.

16 Small Habits That Could Seriously Improve Your Life Within A Year

Not a huge fan of sharing things that come off BuzzFeed, but the list is decent and doesn’t require you to click next for each one.

Here’s the list, but click through below for the detail:

  1. Try reading for a set amount of time each day.
  2. Practice swapping ‘sorry’ for ‘thank you’ when the situation is right.
  3. Don’t just put things down, put them away.
  4. And do your dishes every single day.
  5. If something’s going to take you less than two minutes, just do it then and there.
  6. Try to go to bed and get up at similar times each day.
  7. Actually start flossing your teeth every day.
  8. Put all of your spare change into a jar for an entire year.
  9. Make a plan for the following day before you go to bed at night.
  10. Practice a new kind of handwriting, like cursive or calligraphy.
  11. Learn three words in a new language every day.
  12. Get into the habit of writing in a journal daily.
  13. Run for as long as you can…and then run again the next day, and the next.
  14. Make your bed every morning before you leave the house.
  15. Add new and healthy foods to your diet rather than focusing on removing other food groups.
  16. And try meditating, starting with just five minutes a day.

16 Small Habits That Could Seriously Improve Your Life Within A Year

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Disclaimer: Thoughts and opinions are my own, and do not reflect the views of any employer, family member, friend, or anyone else. Some links may be affiliate links, but I don't link to anything I don't use myself.

Work Won’t Remember That Weekend You Didn’t Give It. Friends Will.

Read the full article here but this was my main takeaway…

I worked weekends on many occasions. One weekend a good friend from university was coming to New York on the way to a business trip in Chicago. He was only coming to see me. But IBM had asked me to work that weekend. I struggled to choose between them, trying to work out if I could do both. I couldn’t. So I told my employer I could not work. Dwin and I had a great weekend exploring the city. He is the godfather to my daughter and we see each other regularly. IBM does not remember that I did not work that weekend. Dwin would always have.

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Disclaimer: Thoughts and opinions are my own, and do not reflect the views of any employer, family member, friend, or anyone else. Some links may be affiliate links, but I don't link to anything I don't use myself.

The $100k Question: How to Ask for & Get What You Want

Here’s something I hope to practice even more in 2018. Maybe you can too.

Read the full article here

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Disclaimer: Thoughts and opinions are my own, and do not reflect the views of any employer, family member, friend, or anyone else. Some links may be affiliate links, but I don't link to anything I don't use myself.