Learning VIM

So you would think that as a programmer for many moons now that I would have considerable experience in VIM and VI, but I’m hear today to admit that I am not. For years I’ve gotten by with my favorite Windows text editor notepad++, but the geek in me wanted to know why everyone loves Vim so much. To that end the 2 things I started with are…

I can’t say I’m a convert yet, but it’s always nice to have another tool in the toolbelt. Here for your and my reference is my quick VIM cheat sheet.

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Disclaimer: Thoughts and opinions are my own, and do not reflect the views of any employer, family member, friend, or anyone else. Some links may be affiliate links, but I don't link to anything I don't use myself.

Connect to DB2 via UNIX Command Line

To access DB2 via the command line on a UNIX/Linux box you need…

  • The DB2 client installed on the box
  • The DB you’re trying to connect to cataloged in the client

Once you know you have that, simply source your db2profile and connect…

. /path/to/db2profile
db2 connect to DBCATNAME user yourid using yourpw

… where DBCATNAME is the name the DB is cataloged as on that box, yourid is your user ID for connecting to the DB, and yourpw is your password for connecting to the DB. Note, that if the actual database resides on the same box, and you want to login as the user your logged into the UNIX box as, you can simplify the connect string and not have to include your user ID or password…

. /path/to/db2profile
db2 connect to DBNAME
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Disclaimer: Thoughts and opinions are my own, and do not reflect the views of any employer, family member, friend, or anyone else. Some links may be affiliate links, but I don't link to anything I don't use myself.

Determine DB2 Client Version (aka: level) installed on UNIX box

Sometimes you need to know what version of the DB2 client is installed on a particular unix/linux box. To do so, simple source the client profile and run db2level like so…

. /path/to/db2profile
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Disclaimer: Thoughts and opinions are my own, and do not reflect the views of any employer, family member, friend, or anyone else. Some links may be affiliate links, but I don't link to anything I don't use myself.

Generate test data to help debug DB2 SQL

You can easily create test data to help debug SQL statements:

with data (key, value) as
(   values ('key1', 'a')
         , ('key2', null)
         , ('key3', 'z')
select 'min', min(coalesce(value,'')) from data
select 'max', max(coalesce(value,'')) from data
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Disclaimer: Thoughts and opinions are my own, and do not reflect the views of any employer, family member, friend, or anyone else. Some links may be affiliate links, but I don't link to anything I don't use myself.

UNIX: Don’t Show Permission Denied Errors when using find Command

If you’re using the unix find command to search for files with a particular name

find -name theName
find: `./dir/thing': Permission denied
find: `./dir/thing1': Permission denied
find: `./dir/thing2': Permission denied

You might get distracted by all those “Permission denied” errors. The easy way to solve this is to redirect stderr to /dev/null like so…

find -name theName 2>/dev/null
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Disclaimer: Thoughts and opinions are my own, and do not reflect the views of any employer, family member, friend, or anyone else. Some links may be affiliate links, but I don't link to anything I don't use myself.